
Liquid Flour Other

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library

Since 2017

I ate my first real sourdough in the spring of 2017 and wanted to learn how to make my own. I researched, read a lot of books, watched a lot of YouTube videos and then started experiencing and fell in love with real bread making. I bake between 2 and 4 loaves a week.


Medium ear. Lots of surface blisters. Even distribution of small and medium air pockets in the crumb. Dark golden colour. Medium sour taste. A perfect sourdough for peanut butter or jams as it doesn't all drip through the crumb. My children prefer to eat the bread plain. Can make large ears and open crumb but that's not how we like our bread.

Taste & flavour

Jorge top shot
Jorge jar shot
Jorge front shot
Jorge rising shot


Starting ingredients

  • 80g Ardent mills unbleached all purpose flour
  • 10g Organic rye flour
  • 10g Organic einkorn flour
  • 100g Water

Feeding ingredients

  • 100g Sourdough starter (jorge)
  • 150g Flour mix
  • 150g Water
I remove Jorge (100g) from the refrigerator on Thursday afternoon at 18:00 and feed him. I add 150 g of flour mixture and 150 g filtered water @ 24°C for each feeding. Mix thoroughly, place in a covered Tupperware bowl and place on top of my refrigerator for 5 hours. I then feed Jorje immediately before bed, @23:00, I then feed Jorje when I awake at 05:00. I come home at noon to feed him.
100g Sourdough starter (jorge) 150g Flour mix 150g Water

Working method

I begin by pre-mixing my flours together. The flours are from Ardent Mills in Ontario, Canada. 80% Organic Stone Ground Whole White Flour 10% Organic Rye Flour 10% Organic Einkorn Flour 100% Water
80g Ardent mills unbleached all purpose flour 10g Organic rye flour 10g Organic einkorn flour 100g Water


Sourdough Bread

Bread, bread, bread! Baguettes, buns, cinnamon rolls, pancakes, French bread, Italian Bread, pizza dough, focaccia.
Jorge Sourdough Bread first overview
Jorge Sourdough Bread second overview
Jorge Sourdough Bread first slice
Jorge Sourdough Bread second slice

Challah (Egg bread)

Sourdough, long ferment, egg bread in a boule without egg wash.
Jorge Challah (Egg bread) first overview
Jorge Challah (Egg bread) second overview
Jorge Challah (Egg bread) first slice
Jorge Challah (Egg bread) second slice

Sourdough Cinnamon Rolls

Moist and yummy cinnamon rolls with a cream cheese frosting. Crazy tasty! They don't last long.
Jorge Sourdough Cinnamon Rolls first overview
Jorge Sourdough Cinnamon Rolls second overview
Jorge Sourdough Cinnamon Rolls first slice
Jorge Sourdough Cinnamon Rolls second slice

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library


Jorge has deep flavor profiles when he is fermented 16 to 24 hours with a perfect blend of saltyness, sour and roasted cereal . My kids eat this sourdough plain, with no butter, jam or PB. Jorge makes amazing bread!