완벽한 사워도우


액체(리퀴드) 밀가루 기타

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library

2018 이후

I read online that you could make awsome bread with sourdough. Then I decided to try myself.


Sweet flavour; mild

맛과 풍미

Claire top shot
Claire jar shot
Claire front shot
Claire rising shot


시작하는 원료

  • 100g Wheat flour 550
  • 50g Bottled water
  • 1tsp Olive oil
  • 1tsp Honey
  • 100g Starter
  • 100g Wheat flour 550
  • 50g Bottled water
  • 100g Starter
  • 100g Wheat flour 550
  • 50g Bottled water


  • 50g Starter
  • 50g Botteled water
  • 100g Wheat flour 550
Put a bit of starter into a new glass. Add bottled water at room temperature. Add wheat flour 500 and mix everything.
50g Starter 50g Botteled water 100g Wheat flour 550


Day 1: Put 100 g wheat flour 550 into a glass. Add 50 ml bottled water at room temperature. Add 1 tsp olive oil. Add 1 tsp honey and mix all the ingredients. Let the dough rest at 26° C for 24 hours.
100g Wheat flour 550 50g Bottled water 1tsp Olive oil 1tsp Honey
Day 2 Put 100 g starter from day 1 into a glass. Add 100 g wheat flour 550. Add 50 g bottled water at room temperature and mix all the ingredients. Let the dough rest at 26° C for 24 hours.
100g Starter 100g Wheat flour 550 50g Bottled water
Day 3 Put 100 g starter from day 2 into a glass. Add 100 g wheat flour 550. Add 50 ml bottled water at room temperature and mix all the ingredients. Let the dough rest at 26° C for 24 hours. Repeat for 2 more days.
100g Starter 100g Wheat flour 550 50g Bottled water



White Wheat Toast, for the recipe see: https://brotbackliebeundmehr.com/2015/09/02/amerikanischer-buttertoast/
Claire Toast first overview
Claire Toast second overview
Claire Toast first slice
Claire Toast second slice

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library