
액체(리퀴드) 밀가루 기타

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library

2014 이후

I grew up on my mum’s white sandwich bread, because storebought bread was too costly. When, due to a wrist injury, I could no longer knead my dough by hand, I found that my mixer couldn’t give the right texture. It was several years before I started making sourdough.


She’s reliable! I haven’t had a failed loaf, although I’m not good enough with sourdough to get very consistent results. Loaves are moderately sour and chewy.

맛과 풍미


시작하는 원료

  • 50% Unbleached white flour
  • 100% Warm water
  • 50% Rye flour


  • 100% Starter
  • 100% Unbleached white flour
  • 100% Warm water
Weigh out 50g of starter into a freshly-washed mason jar. Measure in the same weight of white flour and the same weight of warm water. Mix well and scrape down the sides. Cover with a loose-fitting lid to allow for airflow. Set on the counter where it will stay at about 20°C.
100% Starter 100% Unbleached white flour 100% Warm water


Measure all ingredients by weight, weight of water being 100%. Mix everything together in a mason jar, cover with cheesecloth, and set the jar on the counter beside the stove. It should be visibly fermenting within three or four days.
50% Unbleached white flour 100% Warm water 50% Rye flour

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library